Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Winter Get-a-way

Last minute, spur of the moment, the first weekend of February we decided to go to the Ice and Snow Festival in Frankenmuth Michigan. We had been to this festival about 10 years ago when we took our staff at New Haven UMC there for a staff retreat. It is alot of fun to see the talented ice and snow sculpturers sculpt their art. It really is incredible. I do have to say however, that the snow sculpture that really made me smile was one that a small Kindergardener made... It was a little snowman that looked like the ones my kids used to make when they were 4 and 5 years old. I do think it was my favorite. Of course the ice sculpture of the strong man (Steve attached) came in close second!
We went to Zenders for their famous chicken dinner. They serve "all you can eat" dinners and neither of us eat like we used to. We both ate one piece of chicken and one helping of mashed potatoes, etc...and couldn't eat any more. That is so disappointing! I think I miss those days when we could eat and eat and eat to be we eat a little bit and are miserable. I say if you are going to enjoy eating, you should be able to REALLY eat! My favorite thing to eat in Frankenmuth is fried chicken livers and onions. Steve bought me an entire quart of chicken livers on our way out of town...I ate those until I had heartburn for 2 days!
Stephen didn't do too well in the sub-zero temperatures. Since his heart attack, he does not weather the cold very well. We tried to keep his mouth/nose covered, but he still suffered with breathing and chest hurting. When we got home he had a dry, hacking cough for days. We got out the humidifiers and kept him inside for a couple of weeks. It really disappoints him when he realizes that he has to put boundaries on his life now. I can imagine the disappointment it would be to recognize that if you go skiing, or sledding, or even walking at a snow festival, you are going to pay for it later. We all take so much of our life for granted and never recognize that there are people out there that simply can't do things they used to - that hurts your feelings when you come to realize that. The "be stong" person that I am says "that's just life...buck up and get on with it"; and then my heart takes over and weaps in grief with him. We did have a wonderful time just getting away for a couple of days. That was well worth it all!

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