Saturday, December 26, 2009
2 weeks of pure entertainment
Saturday, December 5, 2009
This year is supposed to be getting better...
A week goes by and I thought I had a sore throat, but it kept getting worse. I started running a high fever. Could it be the swine flu? Oh, no a trip to the doctor said I was fine, so a couple more days of misery that would not end, I made my way to the dentist's office and wouldn't you know it...I had developed an infection that caused me to have to have a wisdom tooth extracted the day before Sara and Chris came for Thanksgiving (which was Nov 20th). By the time I finally got around to going to the doctor the infection was pretty advanced. I was taking 2 different anti biotics - which we all know causes other problems intestinally... How in the world am I going to be able to host Thanksgiving dinner for my family of 14 while on pain killers and strong anti biotics -- Man do I feel old...
Nov 6th
Wow, it's been a long time
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Jaybins 4th birthday
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Let's Celebrate
I would have to say that 2009 was the most difficult year of our life - if I think about it very long, I get overwhelmed. October 22, he suffered the heart attack. Because the heart attack was so massive, we waited 10 days before the doctors thought he was strong enough to endure surgery. Nov 1, 2008 Steve was recuperating from open heart surgery. Amazingly, one month later Steve preached at the Christmas services. That's about all he could do, but he got up there and proclaimed the message of Christ once again. That was a milestone for us and we celebrated big time by taking a 4 hour nap that afternoon!
The first of January Jayna's father was diagnosed with Alzheimers. February Jayna's mother had surgery which resulted in blindness for 7 months, so Jayna was traveling back and forth to Plymouth IN to take care of her parents.
February and into April, Steve was going to therapy and getting stronger every day. Except for the great pain in his left arm, he was doing well. The doctors thought that perhaps the muscle tissue was damaged during the heart attack, so we treated him with therapy for months. In May we went to Disneyworld and Stephen did very well. He couldn't hold the grandkids because of the pain in his arm that was creeping into his jaw by this point, but Steve did love being with the family. After Disneyworld, things began to fall apart. The pain became greater...his arm, his jaw, and now the chest hurt him so badly. We kept going to the doctor, and finally in August after Steve did not pass the echo stress test, Dr Ritchie did another heart catheter and discovered that two of his bypasses had failed and Steve had 2 more aterial blockages that needed opened. We also learned at that time that the lower portion of his heart was completely dead heart muscle tissue that will never regenerate itself. He will forever function on 30% heart function.
In July Stephen's mother had a total knee replacement, so our life consisted of traveling back and forth to South Bend. No sooner was Mom beginning to recover from her knee surgery, Jayna falls off of the front step and breaks her foot in three places and is on crutches for 12 long weeks. You can only imagine the total frustration for both Stephen and I as we struggled once again to survive. We thank the Lord for our church family and good friends that helped us once again through this time.
As soon as Jayna gets the cast off, 10 days later (obviously not walking very strongly yet) she trips and falls on her chin - creating the need for 4 stitches in the chin and treating the sprained jaw with heat/ice and a mouthpiece to keep the jaw in place at night. (of which she is still wearing and has a doctor's appointment next week to see how the jaw is doing)
Can you believe such a year? It's been crazy and we certainly are celebrating the fact that this year is almost over! Surely we will not have to endure two such chaotic years in a row.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Could life be normal this week?
Today was the Conference United Methodist Women Fall meeting. It took place at Grace this year. I was so proud of our people. The men were there to park cars and greet the ladies... We had a lovely chicken salad luncheon - our ladies knocked themselves out... The church looked beautiful; there were signs everywhere, and I could not have been more proud to be a part of Grace UMC in my life. They were great hosts. I got to sing at the meeting with Nancy Hefley. Nancy's husband just passed away and it was the greatest blessing for me to watch her get back into serving her Lord. She had tears in her eyes most of the day as people expressed thier sorrow for the loss of the love of her life. However, she got up there and sang with joy in her eyes. I think that made my day - just watching her. I'm glad this meeting is over - it took alot of planning and organizing. It's a relief not to have to plan something right now...
We have seen and/or heard from more people from our former churches this past week -that has been a great joy. I think the Lord knows when we need encouragement and it certainly was showered upon us this week.
I'm missing seeing our daughter Sara who lives in Florida. It has been since May and I'm getting pretty homesick for her, Chris and the boys. Mason is one now - and when I talk on the telephone with him, he tells me what the duck says, and the cat... He says "Luh oooo" for "love you" and when you say "let's sing Mason" - he says "la, la, la". Grant is 3 and can now carry on a conversation with Grandma and Grandpa over the telephone. They are all coming for Thanksgiving. I can't wait. I guess they are going to be here for a couple of weeks! That will give me lots of time to play.
Jason's kids are in school now. Kinsen is in first grade - that seems to cramp their style a little; They are not used to being in by 8:00 pm - nor are they used to homework! I remember those days! Jaybin is in preschool 3 days a week. He loves being with other children.
Stephanie and Daniel are adjusting to the ministry. Last week Stephanie invited me over to Indiana Weslyan University, where we took a pottery class. I actually "threw" a pot on the wheel. I did fine centering the pot, but I was lousey at pulling the sides up... I threw 6-7 pots, but nothing was keepable. I really enjoyed the class. If I lived closer I would love to take the class on a weekly basis.
Tonight we are going to order a veggie pizza and watch a movie....does anyone know of any good movies out there?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
This week has been very very busy - the church is bustling with programs, fall events, fall planning, stewardship campaigns and preparations for the coming holidays. So, once again, we decided to take a quiet approach to our weekend. Friday is Steve's day off, we went to Indy to visit a couple of our members that had surgery, then we went out to eat (at PF Changs - my favorite restaurant). Then we came home, rented a movie, cuddled up on the sofa and ate pop corn and apples!
Today Steve did a funeral in the morning and then we went over to Marion - Indiana Wesleyan University to see Stephanie's pottery that she is making in the class she is taking at IWU. We also wanted to see the hall that she decorated for Homecoming. Stef is one talented girl. She always does a fabulous job at whatever she does. She sure loves to be creative.
Tomorrow Steve will preach, lead Sunday School, and then we will come home and rest for the duration of the day. I think we will pull out his stamp collection and continue to log each and every stamp! Now, doesn't that sound relaxing? ha. Steve loves it - and it's not "work" - it's his hobby!
Steve seems to be feeling a little better this week. We do insist that he take a break in the middle of the day to rest. That has seemed to help alot.
I need to work on my Bible Study for the week. There are 35 women taking the study on the Holy Spirit. We are studying the book "The Promise" written by Tony Evans. We have discussed being "baptized" in the Spirit (whoa, now that was controversial) and last week was on "eternal security" (another highly controversial topic)...I'm not sure I'm cut out for this kind of discussion...I think I'm way in over my head. We had to call Steve into our study last week - I thought that we could whiz through this book, however, we should be on chapter 6 - and we are on chapter 2! Must go study...
Friday, September 18, 2009
Get to know your body - know how much you can take - know when you need to rest! Stephen has a tremendous work ethic. He knows what needs to be done and cannot rest until it is completed. I am not sure he will ever "get to know" what he can take/do. He just "runs" until it all gets done - and then he begrudginly falls into bed without calling on someone he knows he should have. This is something we will have to work on. I don't know about how to do it. He does delegate and he does do a good job of letting his staff do their thing without him interfering with their responsibilities. He could do a much better job of taking his day off. But he has had 57 years of a pattern that it is going to be hard (impossible?) to break. Yeah, I hear you now..."good luck Jayna!"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Steve was on the other line saying "Jayna help me..." - he was in tremendous pain again and extremely frightened. We called his cardiologist and went directly to the emergency room. We were there for at least 4 hours. The tests all came out okay. Tomorrow we meet again with Dr. Ritchie. We don't seem to know what is causing him all of this pain. We gave him pain medicine and since we have been home, Steve has been asleep.
I feel tired, yet my eyes won't close. I would have to admit that this entire year has been the most difficult year of my life. Feelings of fear...depression...mortality...of feeling old...of watching the one you love struggle...trying to keep it all together when you feel like you are falling apart... I have trouble with concentration, depression, anxiety, being overwhelmed and unorganized. I forget everything, I can't remember things or even people. I feel old - we talk about retirement - but with all of the doctor bills finances are a big issue with us; retirement is out of the issue - we discuss whether we are effective in ministry anymore - This is not fun. I know God is with us. I feel His presence all the time - I have had so much support from the church and family - and I am sure that all of these overwhelmed feelings come with the trauma that has happened in our life. I keep asking why I am going through all of these feelings when it is Steve's body that's "broken" -- I guess that is what it means that when two become one, whatever happens to one of us affects the other just as incredibly.
I don't know what to do anymore. I just cast it all on the Lord - but there is a great fear and sadness that keeps clutching at my heart.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New hair
Labor Day
We did have quite an eventful night's sleep at the Hotel. About 2 am, the fire alarm went off - we were on the 7th floor - so we bounded down the stairs in our pajamas. It was about 55 degrees, so it was a little nippy out there in our jameys... For some reason the fire trucks did not come for 2 hours, the guests were furious and it was not pretty! We finally got the kids back in bed around 4:30 a.m. It was pretty frustrating and stressful. I'm glad I'm not in the hotel business.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Notre Dame Season
Yesterday Steve an
Jaybin has been playing with an old game of Jason's called "Weapons and Warriors". He has sat there for over 2 hours contented to shoot cannon balls and set up his kingdoms.
Kinsen alw
Stephanie brought a movie for this evening. We are going to watch "the absent minded professor". I'm having such a great day.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Also, to celebrate his birthday we are going to Frankenmuth Michigan to meet Steve's baby sister (age 40) on Friday. I love to eat at Zenders. My favorite thing to eat at this famous chicken restaurant are the wonderful fried chicken livers smothered in sauteed onions. No one else likes them...but to me they are like candy! I can't wait.
Then, on Steve's actual birthday, after church, we are going to meet Jason/Kendra/Kinsen/Jaybin and Stephanie/Daniel at the Tipton park for a picnic and a geocache! Sure wish Sara/Chris/Grant/Mason lived close. It always seems so hard to meet with the family when one link is down in Florida.
On Monday of next week I am supposed to be released from the foot doctor - Wow! It will be 12 weeks. This week I have been wearing a tennis shoe on my broken foot. The tennis shoe works really well. When I put on any other shoe, my foot aches after an hour or two. I tried going to a wedding in a rubber soled black shoe (not very pretty, but at least not a white tennis shoe). I was hardly able to get to the car that evening. When I got home my foot was swollen again. So, I wore tennis shoes to church the next day. Tennis shoes and white socks! Now that was a fashion statement. It was rather humorous to me that it is not the women that noticed that I wore a pair of slacks and tennis was the men. They were the ones that made a big deal out of the fact that this was the very first time they saw their pastor's wife in a pair of pants on Sunday morning - let alone tennis shoes.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
33 years and counting
Friday, August 7, 2009
Update on Stephen
We knew that the bottom portion of the heart was where his heart attack was. We were told after Steve's bypass surgery that the heart was regenerating itself. However, after 9 months since the surgery, we are now facing the fact that the bottom portion of Steve's heart is nothing but dead heart muscle. We also were informed that one of the bypass grafts had failed and is now completely blocked again. Luckily, the stent that was put in before the surgery was still holding and adequate blood flow is getting to the heart.
Dr Ritchie informed stressed with both of us that there is nothing that Steve cannot do. He has no restrictions. He needs to continue to keep on living, and pushing and working. We just need know his body and when he gets tired, back off for awhile.
We know that Steve will have to live with the pain perhaps for the rest of his life - it is just lack of oxygen to the left side of his upper body. We do have a new medication to help with the pain. He has been home for the last 48 hours (per doctor's orders) and has rested alot. The rest has seemed to help the pain as well. He is bored, wrestless and can't wait to get back to work.
As we have been processing what the tests showed, we have had mixed feelings. Feelings of gratitude that Steve does not have to have another surgery, or another stent at this point...but feelings of great sadness that one of the bypasses has already become blocked and that the heart tissue to the bottom of the heart is totally gone now. We are also sobered that his body is still making cholesterol and blocking arteries, even with all of the diet changes we have made.
New Experience
Friday, July 24, 2009
Getting Ready for the Fall
My mother was talking the last time we were together about the Holy Spirit and the "power" that was promised to us when Jesus left the earth. John 16:7 has Jesus saying the it was to our advantage that he go away so that the Holy Spirit can come upon us - then Christ goes on to say that we will do even greater things than he. Mom and I were discussing this at great length. Where is the Holy Spirit's "power" in our life...etc....
Another friend was talking to me last week absolutely frozen at the thought of publically praying. We talked once again about the Holy Spirit and how the Spirit intercedes for us.
I was leading our Sunday School class and someone in our class was discussing the fact that they were feeling guilty about the way they had treated their fellow Christian,....and yet....their friend had it coming to them, but nevertheless, they couldn't shake the fact that they had hurt their friend...So, we again talked about the Holy Spirit and how he convicts us of something out of kilter in our life...
Another situation came up this summer with a friend and substance abuse. We talked at great length that Christ is the authority in our life and that His Spirit gives us a new identity and that we need to fill our thoughts/mind with the Spirit, not things of the flesh... you see a theme developing here? You'd think it would have been obvious all summer, but this morning I was outside, having a cup of coffee with my neighbor, watching/listening to the birds at the bird feeder and she said "it's so peaceful back here, sometimes I wish I had peace in my life, it feels so out of control...where is God...?" And we spent two hours talking about His Spirit living within her ....
After she left, it dawned on me...I know where to go this Fall in Bible Study, we are going to talk about the Holy Spirit. No more stewing... I know where to go, now only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and His Spirit may I walk humbly as I study and listen to His Word.
Thursday, July 23, 2009

I took some pictures today of my flower garden. I have taken great delight today walking outside and snapping pictures. Shade gardening is not near as colorful and whimsical as gardening where there is alot of sun. Flowers are much stronger and bolder. The color is much more subtle, but there is a beauty of their own, even in their simplicity. This is the first time I have had only shade to work with and I really do find great beauty. A friend said the other day "it is so 'green' in your back yard....I've never seen such 'green'!" I agree with her, It is "green" and quite forestly looking.

I have been so grateful for Christian friends. They have kept my head above water through this whole broken bones ordeal. Whatever I was unable to do, I always had 5-6 people offering to do whatever they could do to help me. Some people really complain about being a pastoral family with all of the great demands and expectations there are in the ministry. I have found that ministry is extremely rewarding. Or, perhaps the issue is not that I am "in ministry" - the issue is that I have Christian brothers and sisters in Christ that know how to love.
The other day I was marveling about one of my friends that has an obvious gift from God of loving others.... She was over here taking care of me for over an hour, then she informed me that when she left me, she was going over to help another friend clean out her mother's estate now that her friend's mother had passed away. Oh the joy that I am learning from the servant's heart of others to be the hands and feet of Christ. May I always remember this lesson.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I have always heard that having Grandchildren is even better than having children. I could never fathom that as any kind of truth, but here I am a grandparent and I do believe that this is the life for me!