Friday, November 14, 2008


We have been doing so well - every day progressing almost perfectly, that is until last night. I was getting ready to go to Women's Bible Study and Steve had tremendous chest pain and had trouble breathing. Steve thought that he was having another heart attack. Only this time, he said it "felt" like a heart attack - it was painful. We called the cardiologist who seems to think that there is some swelling/fluid around the lining of the heart. We are to keep giving him the pain medication and encourage rest. I guess this happens sometimes, but it sure did scare us. We have been very quiet on this gloomy, rainy day.

Steve had a couple of friends from his Bible Study visit today. One friend just had prostate cancer surgery and the other friend is a heart transplant candidate. They both were such an encouragement and gave such helpful advice as both of them have had to make some drastic life-style changes. It is truly humbling as a person who is in much greater need than we offers prayers for healing and strength for "his brother". I "took a picture in my mind" of the beautiful moment of three men bowing before the Father praying for each other and lifting their lives as offerings. Powerful stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Steve and Jayna,

We are so sorry to read of your difficult Thursday night. It must have been very scary for you both. We will pray for a peaceful night for you tonight, that God will look after you both as you rest and continue the recovery journey.

Sometimes our bodies provide us with signals that are loud and clear to encourage us to take it easy, pace ourselves and give ourselves permission to take recovery at a moderate, steady pace.

Our love to you both,

Sue and Lee