Day two at Grandmas has proven to be lots of fun! Oh....let's see, what did we do? Well, the kids got here around 7:00 a.m. and we had oatmeal for breakfast. Oh, and hey...Jaybin likes grapefruit! We hung laundry on the line outside. Now, this was a novel function for the kids, because they ran through my clean laundry with broomsticks for over an hour - screaming and laughing and knocking my clean laundry on the ground. Kinsen soon learned how to re-hang Grandpas big colorful T-shirts which I think became the game more than riding their pretend horses through the entourage of dangling clothing. We proceeded to a rousing game of climbing on the bunkbeds and throwing stuffed animals on each others heads. Soon we embarked on making sweet tea, which I might add the children love - a lot. Grandpa came home at lunch and put on Sleeping Beauty for Kinsen to watch while she ate her lunch of Chef-boy-ar-dee Ravioli (which was grandpas request). We had a big conversation as to what Sleeping beauty's name was....was it Aurora, Briar Rose or Sleeping Beauty? After lunch we took naps (all of us, including Grandpa). THEN....outside once again to run in the sprinklers. The sprinklers were not a hit, but take the sprinklers off the hose and voila, we had .....fun of the greatest degree. Check out these pictures.
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