Everyone needs to see Edinburgh Scotland. We ended up in Edinburgh around 5:00 pm. The sun was shining when we got here (which is quite rare), so we headed out of our hotel to take pictures of the sun shining on the old city of Edinburgh. The old city is across the river and the view of the ancient city from the modern side of the river is quite the view. Edinburgh is known as the “Athens” of the north. There are many, many philosophers, financiers, doctors, scientists, and literary artists that made wonderful contri
butions to society. There are many, many statues all over this city com
memorating the great people who had lived here. We attended a Scottish entertainment evening where we witnessed the famous "Ceremony of the Haggis", which is a delicacy of intestines, kidneys, liver, etc....all rolled into a sheeps stomach and served on top of sheep horns. Do you think we ate the nasty stuff? You'll have to ask us when you see us!
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