The first Day of our 'Renewal Leave' was spent with Steve's parents and family as we ate lunch together and celebrated Memorial Day and Mom's 75th birthday in South Bend, Indiana. Jayna was pleased to run into Val and Eleanor Harris (Grace UMC, Kokomo members) at a gas station while we were there.
Another reason for the scheduled visit was to leave our dog, POOF, with Steve's parents while we are overseas. Steve's younger sister was also there with her two pomeranians.
On our way home, we also stopped to visit Jayna's parents in Plymouth, Indiana and say our farewells to them. They wished us well as we prepare for the new and exciting experiences that await us.
wow nice
I love your site! I'm so excited to be able to keep up on what you're doing. Maybe this way I'll still feel like I get to talk to you every day. I'll miss that. Love you!
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